sticky foods

There Are Minor Things You Can Do to Help Prevent Damaged Braces

The braces installed in your mouth by the orthodontists at True Smile Orthodontics represent a significant investment in correcting the alignment and position of your teeth. This is done by attending routine adjustment sessions with Dr. Chris Trockel every four to six weeks. Each of these sessions will tighten your braces to apply a minute, […]

There Are Minor Things You Can Do to Help Prevent Damaged Braces Read More ยป

Ceramic Braces Are Less Noticeable

Some people find that the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces leave them feeling self-conscious about their smiles. Fortunately, your orthodontist, Dr. Chris Trockel, can address these concerns by applying ceramic braces in your mouth. These are just like traditional wire-and-bracket braces except the visible hardware has been glazed with a special ceramic material.

Ceramic Braces Are Less Noticeable